You're not alone

If you are in distress, please contact your nearest distress centre.

If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

While most communities have a range of resources available to help with mental health concerns, it can be difficult to identify these resources and/or decide which one might be the best for you. A good first step to finding the right mental health resource is to contact your family physician/general duty medical officer. Not only can your primary health care provider immediately begin the assessment and treatment process, but they can also help identify what specific resource may be most helpful for your specific set of circumstances.

We have prepared this section of the website to help you learn more about the different mental health services and programs available in our Defence communities. To help you more easily navigate which DND/CAF programs and services are available to you, we have listed resources alphabetically and included the following icons:




You can also find helpful additional resources, external to those provided by DND/CAF, in the Mental Health Section of this website under Resources for Unique Challenges.

Finally, we have included a list of CAF specific mobile applications which include features to assist you in building and maintaining your mental well-being.

Remember, you are not alone!

Defence community resources

CAF Chaplains/Local Spiritual Advisors

Within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Chaplains contribute significantly to the spiritual and mental well-being of CAF members and their families. They are on-call 24/7 to support members in need and provide support and advice to the chain of command and care providers.

For DND employees who are connected to a spiritual community, you too may find it helpful to seek support and advice from your local spiritual advisor/mentor. Regardless of religious affiliation, spiritual leaders are often able to listen, support and help you access mental health resources in your community.

Defence families share some of their experiences with accessing Chaplain services for support and how these services have benefitted them and their families.


CAFKIDS Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone, is presented in partnership by Canadian Forces Morale & Welfare Services (CFMWS), Kids Help Phone and True Patriot Love Foundation. This texting service ensures that military children and youth have access to a dedicated and confidential texting service regardless of their geographic location in Canada. Military children and youth, who need help, can get help by texting CAFKIDS to 686868. Kids Help Phone staff and volunteer crisis responders have been trained to have an enhanced understanding of the military family lifestyle and are available 24/7 to respond.

At this time, the texting service is only available for kids in Canada. Kids from military families, who live outside of Canada, can contact the Family Information Line at 00-800-771-17722 to help find regional support for youth.

CAF Mental Health Services

Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Mental Health Services are delivered through 35 Health Services Centres at bases and wings across Canada and in Europe. These clinics vary in size depending on the size of the Formation, Base, Wing, Station or Unit they support. The smallest would provide psychosocial services, while the larger clinics would offer a variety of programs to meet the health needs of the local CAF population.

Mental health care in the CAF is guided by evidence-based practices and is delivered through multidisciplinary teams including primary care clinicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, mental health nurses, addictions counsellors and mental health chaplains.

As well, it is important to note that a significant amount of mental health care is delivered to CAF troops by primary care providers. In many cases the first point of contact for many CAF personnel who are experiencing mental health difficulties is their primary care physician at their local CAF Medical Clinic. This individual will either provide the required assistance or refer the member to the most appropriate resource.

CAF Mental Health Services consists of two distinct levels of service, Psychosocial Services and Mental Health Services.

Psychosocial Services provides first line mental health care that CAF members may access directly without a physician’s referral. The program provides individual, couple and family counselling to military personnel and their families; crisis management; addictions awareness; administrative procedures (e.g. compassionate and contingency cost moves); and pre- and post-deployment screenings. This program is available at all CAF clinics.

The secondary level of service, Mental Health Services, consists of specialized programs that are structured to provide multidisciplinary evidence-based care, and require a referral from a physician or medical officer. These secondary programs are located at the larger centres and have a regional responsibility. Service delivery for Mental Health Services is organized around a grouping of programs, including Addictions Treatment and the Operational Trauma and Stress Support Centres.

The benefits of seeking professional mental health care are numerous. Defence families share some of their experiences with seeking counselling and how this decision benefitted them individually and in their relationship.

Canadian School of Public Service/Defence Learning Network

There are a variety of mental health related courses and trainings provided to CAF members and DND employees through various educational platforms, such as the Canadian School of Public Service (CSPS), and through the Defence Learning Network (DLN).

CF Member Assistance Program

Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program (CFMAP) offers confidential, voluntary, short-term counselling to assist with resolving many of today’s stresses at home and in the workplace. Regular Force members and their immediate family members have direct access to CFMAP counselling service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Service is provided by calling 1-800-268-7708 to speak with someone who will facilitate an appointment with a qualified mental health professional in your community.

Want to learn more about these services? Defence families share their experiences accessing and referring others to the Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program.

Employee Assistance services

Department of National Defence (DND) employees have access to new and enhanced Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services and resources through the new service provider, Homewood Health. The EAP is a professional, confidential, and proactive service to support you and your family members with a wide range of personal, family, and work-related concerns. More information can be found at Employee Assistance Program website and New Employee assistance Program Services.

Casualty Support

The Director Casualty Support Management (DCSM) provides policy oversight and manages programs for the ill and injured, and transition services for all Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members. The provision of support services for currently serving and former CAF ill and injured personnel, their families, and the families of the fallen, is done through Transition Centres and Satellites providing service delivery at over 30 different locations across Canada.

Transition Centres provide serving and retired Regular and Reserve Force members as well as their families with an overview of benefits, programs and services to which they may be entitled in the event of a member becoming disabled, ill, injured or deceased while serving in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

If you need information on Casualty Support, your best source is your closest Transition Centre.

Family Information Line

Family Information Line

  • 1-800-866-4546 (North America)
  • 00-800-771-17722 (International)
  • 1-613-995-5234 (Collect Calls)

As the loved one of a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member, you can contact the Family Information Line (FIL) for any support you may need as a result of the unique nature of military life, including mental health issues.

The FIL offers confidential, personal and bilingual assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Counsellors can help your family obtain information, and provide reassurance, support and referral to the various services offered to CAF families.

Helping Our Peers by Providing Empathy (HOPE) Program

The transition for those left behind after a loved one dies can be very difficult. Even though family, friends and, in some cases, professional counsellors are available for support, many bereaved individuals also express a desire to speak with someone who can share similar experiences. HOPE provides social support assistance to families that are affected by the loss of a loved one by matching trained peer volunteers to bereaved families. If you have lost a loved one who served in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) (either active or retired, Regular or Reserve Force and whether the loss is attributed to military service or any other cause), HOPE can help. HOPE is a complementary program that is not intended to replace other traditional bereavement services. Trained volunteers, who have experienced similar losses, provide support and act as positive role models to help others through their grief and recovery journey. Peers can offer a unique perspective, share experiences and provide hope.

Integrated Conflict and Complaint Management

Dealing with conflict in the workplace can lead to significant stress for individuals. The Director of Service Delivery’s Conflict and Complaint Management Services centres across Canada provide comprehensive conflict and complaint management support to the entire Defence Team, who can meet with agents to:

  • better understand and deal with their concerns, and
  • identify and select the best rights-based and/or interest-based options to resolve conflict and complaints.


LifeSpeak is an online health and wellness platform, accessible confidentially 24/7, from anywhere you are, available to the entire Defence Team. The LifeSpeak digital education well-being platform is packed with thousands of videos, podcasts, and tipsheets designed to help you maximize your mental health and well-being.

As a member of the Defence team, you have free access to this site, simply contact your local Human Resources Officer, on the HR GO mobile application, or go to the DND intranet site: and select Printable Mental Health & Well-being Resources for the Defence Team 2020 to access the log in information.

Military Family Resource Centres

Military Family Resource Centres (MFRCs) provide military families with information, resources and services in Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) communities.

MFRCs are committed to enriching the lives of individuals and families in CAF communities through positive action, education and support. They provide relevant programs and services that empower and encourage strong, independent individuals and families within the CAF.

MFRCs deliver the Military Family Services Program (MFSP) with the funds received from Military Family Services (MFS). In addition to being responsible for the delivery of the MFSP, MFRCs are also responsive and accountable to the communities they serve.

MFRCs offer several National mental health programs for military families, including but not limited to:

  • Rainbows Program – helps children (ages 3-12 and ages 13-17) and adults who are suffering the effects of divorce, separation or death in the family to process their feelings, build self-esteem and learn positive coping strategies.
  • Family Liaison Officers – provide support to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) families who have a loved one who has been injured or becomes ill while serving.
  • Prevention, Support and Intervention programs – provides short-term counselling, crisis support, assessment and referral, education and prevention programming to assist with issues such as work-related separations, parenting challenges, relationship issues, separation and divorce, grief and loss, and family violence.
  • INTER-COMM – is a course specifically designed for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel and their family members who are interested in learning how to deal with conflict and want to increase their ability to communicate more successfully.
  • Kids Have Stress Too! – helps you understand childhood stress and how to provide your kids with the tools to deal with stress effectively.

Contact your local MFRC for more information about these programs. Note, program availability may vary by location.

Defence families share some of their experiences with accessing the MFRC for support and how these services have benefitted them and their families.

Office of Disability Management

The Office of Disability Management (ODM) is an impartial, collaborative and inclusive group that supports employees and supervisors/managers dealing with disability-related matters due to illness, impairment and injury. The ODM provides case management services to enable employees to either stay at work, or to support them from the onset of leave through to a safe and successful return to the workplace. Employees and supervisors/managers can expect a trusted, personal disability management advisor who will provide guidance, support and tools. Services offered include support during:

  • work-related accident, injury, illness or impairment,
  • non-work-related injury, illness or impairment,
  • recovery,
  • stay at work,
  • return to work,
  • accommodation, and
  • medical retirement.

To access the ODM:

Clients located east of Manitoba may email us at our Eastern offices :

Clients located west of Ontario may email us at our Western offices :

Or can call the central Line at : 1-833-893-3388

***Please note at this time the ODM offers full service in NCR, Esquimalt, Comox, Halifax, Montreal and Valcartier.

Consultations are available nationally.

Operational Stress Injury Social Support Program

Operational Stress Injury Social Support Program (OSISS) is a peer support program that offers confidential support, hope, and acceptance from someone who has first-hand experience in what you might be experiencing, whether you are suffering from an operational stress injury (OSI) or living with someone who has an OSI. OSISS employs Peer Support Coordinators and Family Peer Support Coordinators who are screened, trained and mentored peers (typically former Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members or families of veterans or CAF members) who know first-hand the lived experience of OSIs and the possible impacts. Every member of the network brings experience and practical knowledge of what it is like to struggle with an OSI or to live with someone who does. They recognize the benefits of sharing their experiences. OSISS Coordinators have developed networks of community resources and can connect you to the resources of your choice.

Want to learn more about this service? Defence families share the benefits of seeking support from the OSISS program.

Personnel Support Programs (PSP)

Recreation provides an opportunity for personal growth and improved health for everyone, and keeping mentally and physically active is a great contributor to mental health and well-being.

Personnel Support Programs (PSP) offer high quality, innovative recreation programs in each Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) community to provide families, individuals, children and communities with quality leisure experiences, innovative programming and recreational facilities that meet their needs.

Over 500 different types of recreation, leisure and sports activities are offered—everything from arts to aquatics, basketball to bocce, dance to decorating, first-aid to fitness, golf to gardening, painting to Pilates, sports camps to school break programs, and tennis to Tai Chi.

Defence families share some of their experiences and the benefits afforded to them through the Personnel Support Programs (PSP).

Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP)

The Public Service Health Care Plan allows CAF families to access psychological services – up to $5000/yr./dependent (at 80% reimbursement) with no prescription required. Providers can be Psychologists, Social Workers, Psychotherapists, or Counsellors, as deemed qualified by the plan administrator based on provincial/ territorial accreditation.

With a quick search, you can find dentists, optometrists, registered massage therapists, psychologists, and more near you. In addition to helping users make connections with health-care providers, we believe that empowering people on their health journey also includes providing access to useful information and resources. Lumino Health is proud to be able to provide users access to several health and wellness institutions across the country, including think tanks, hospitals, and non-profit organizations.

Road to Mental Readiness

The Road to Mental Readiness (R2MR) is a mental health training and education program developed to increase mental health literacy and enhance resilience for the entire Defence community.

R2MR is designed to:

  • demystify mental illness,
  • provide individuals with tools for dealing with stressful situations, and
  • increase early recognition of distress and access to resources, and thereby reduce the risk of developing mental illness.

R2MR training is provided virtually through this website as well as through in-person training. The goal of R2MR training is to improve well-being and short-term performance, while mitigating any negative long-term mental health problems. For more information about our program, refer to the About R2MR section of this website.
Defence families share their experiences with the R2MR program and the R2MR app.

Sexual Misconduct Response Centre

The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC) is a recognized centre of expertise that provides confidential 24/7 support services to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members who are and/or have been affected by sexual misconduct. SMRC counsellors are available to provide supportive counseling and information on options available to them. Upon request, they can also facilitate access to CAF and civilian resources, which may include mental and physical health services, counseling, law enforcement services, spiritual support, and assistance with administrative matters.

Strengthening the Forces

Maintaining a high level of health improves one’s ability to perform effectively and safely on Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) operations, and to enjoy a high quality of life. Strengthening the Forces is a health promotion program designed to assist CAF members (Regular and Primary Reserve) in taking control of their health and well-being by providing them with the information, skills and tools they need.

There are four major interrelated areas of healthy lifestyle in Strengthening the Forces programming:

  • Addictions Awareness and Prevention
  • Injury Prevention and Active Living
  • Nutritional Wellness
  • Social Wellness

All of these programs are available to CAF members and some of these are available to their families and to DND employees.

Defence Community Mobile Applications

Canadian Armed Forces App

Canadian Armed Forces App
Google play StoreApple App Store

The CAF Mobile App is a platform that provides members with updates from leadership, access to social media feeds, imagery and access to a variety of CAF resources, including Health, Pay and Pension Services.


Google play StoreApple App Store

The HR GO App provides critical HR information to public service managers and staff including articles, contacts, walkthroughs, links to online resources and calculators. The HR GO App was designed to support DND staff who may not have easy access to computers, networks and work primarily offline such as ship repair specialists, various trades, and employees in the field, on leave, or at home. Always up to date, the HR GO app will update automatically when connected and continually provide new tools, functions and content to respond to user needs. HR GO is an accessible resource for every day, available “Anytime, Anywhere.”

OSI Connect Mobile Application

Google play Store Apple App Store

OSI Connect is a free mental health learning and self-management mobile app developed to help operational stress injury (OSI) patients and their families understand the nature of OSIs and to provide help through the OSI Clinic Network across Canada. The resources on OSI Connect address challenges including posttraumatic stress and triggers, depression, anger, sleep problems, substance abuse, stress management and more. It is a regularly updated, information rich, interactive mobile application with assessments, videos and clear information for Veterans and others with an OSI, including how to get an OSI clinic appointment.

PTSD Coach Canada

Google play StoreApple App Store

This mobile app provides users with education about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a self-assessment for PTSD, information about professional care, where to find support, and tools that can help users manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD. Tools range from relaxation skills and positive self-talk to anger management and other common self-help strategies. PTSD Coach Canada was designed for veterans and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members who have, or may have, PTSD.

R2MR App

Google play Store Apple App Store

The Road to Mental Readiness (R2MR) Mobile Application is a mobile training tool (adjunct to classroom training) developed to improve short-term performance and long-term mental health outcomes. It provides the tools and resources required to manage and support the entire Defence team.

Respect in the CAF

Google play StoreApple App Store

The Respect in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) mobile application includes downloadable tools, educational information, and resources to support anyone who is dealing with an incident of sexual violence.